Travelling is one of my favourite activities, because everything that surrounds me anew, invites me to grow. I enjoy watching people and animals in different environments. I like to observe, to look, when they are moving, flying, crawling, creeping, and jumping...
Each moment is checked and if interesting stored in my subconsciousness.
Everything I experience, perceive or find out – I preserve in my mind. But I would be a fool to keep these moments and thoughts just for me, because even though they have their own life inside of me, they are more now, transferred into an object or jewellery piece. They are shared, remembered, they are alive beyond me and that’s the best.
Each moment is checked and if interesting stored in my subconsciousness.
Everything I experience, perceive or find out – I preserve in my mind. But I would be a fool to keep these moments and thoughts just for me, because even though they have their own life inside of me, they are more now, transferred into an object or jewellery piece. They are shared, remembered, they are alive beyond me and that’s the best.
Tout ce que je vis, perçois ou découvre, je le conserve dans mon esprit. Mais il serait idiot de garder ces moments et ces pensées seulement pour moi, parce que même s’ils ont en moi leur vie propre, ils sont beaucoup plus une fois transférés dans un objet ou un bijou. Ils sont partagés, on se souvient d’eux, ils vivent hors de moi, et c’est ce qu’il y a de mieux.